My Pet Monster

Yet another update!  I had a lot of fun doing this one and
look forward to doing more!

Count Duckula

I loved this show as a kid...
Hope you all like it too!

Dick Dastardly

Hey everyone,
i will be posting things here and on my portfolio site from now on.
Love me some old Hanna Barbera!

Updates 2016!

Hey Everyone,

So its been quite a long time since I have updated or added anything to this blog, but hopefully that will change soon.  For the time being, here is a link to my brand new portfolio site.

Thanks for stopping by!

Forest Creek

Hey Everyone!
Its been a while since I updated, so here is a new one...
Had some fun in Sketchbook Pro, then cleaned it up in Photoshop!

Rock the Vault for PebblesPlay

Hey Everyone!
The PebblesPlay 'Rock the Vault" game that I worked on has finally been released!
Here are a few Screenshots and game art that I worked on!
Play it here!  Rock the Vault


Wild Kratts Creature Math

Hey Everyone!
The Kratt Brothers iPad game that I worked on has finally been released!

"Wild Kratts Creature Math"
 based on the hit PBS KIDS series "Wild Kratts". 

Here are a few Screenshots of the game art that I had the pleasure of working on!

Creature Math helps children practice addition and subtraction and learn valuable ecology/science concepts as they 
create their very own animal habitat, filled with cool creature pals! 

Uhh Yeah Dude Shirt Design

Hey All,

Havent posted in a while but I was 
playing around with some ideas for a T-Shirt logo for
my favorite podcast "Uhh Yeah Dude"

If you have a sec leave me a comment and
let me know what you think!


Believe featured in Stromstock iPad-Edition

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to give a special thanks to Joachim Kläschen.  
He contacted me a month or so back about featuring my 
Superbrothers Sword & Sworcery a/v submission 
"Believe" in Stromstock iPad-Edition 03.2012.

The Latest issue of the German magazine "Stromstock" iPad-Edition 
is now live on the iTunes Store! 

You can check it out for free on your iPad at:

Should you not have an iPad, there is a PDF:

Many thanks Joachim!

Auld Friend

Painted this at my cottage a while back...
Acrylic Paint on Masonite 8.5x11

Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery. - Believe

Hey everyone, here is my submission for Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery
creative jam, head over to these sites to check out some freshhhh artwork!
Check out More at:
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP  The Archetype The Scythian Mingi Taw
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP the Golden Trigon  the Megatome

Half-Life 2 - Gordon Freeman

Half-Life 2 Valve Gordon Freeman Steam Source
Gravity Gun First Person Shooter G-Man City 17
The Citadel Alyx Eli Episode Three 3 Dark Energy
The Orange Box Black Messa HλLF-LIFE2 λ2

Mountain Fires

Last night I went to see the movie "The Grey"... It inspired me to paint this
Liam Neeson The Grey Ghost Walker Alaska Oil-men Plane Crash
Live or die on this day survivors hypothermia mountains fire 
alpha wolf john ottway

LOST - Smoke Monster

I know its been a while since Lost came to and end, but I still like it :)

LOST 'Sat-Phone' WinterBoard theme for jailbroken iPhone's
Did this theme back in 2009, thought I would re-post it.
(also available on cydia repo's)

Thanks and enjoy
Click Here to Download

ABC J.J. Abrams Desmond Hume Sawyer Dharma Initiative the constant
The Others The island Oceanic Airlines Light 815 plane crash 4 8 15 16 23 42
the hatch 108 minutes flash forward oceanic six jin jack kate
juliet hurley smoke monster polar bear man in black jacob john locke
Jailbreak iPhone iOS Winterboard theme cydia ios 5.1.1 jailbreak unlock

Capcom's "World Gone Sour" Sour Patch Kids Game Dollhouse Level Concept

World Gone Sour 2d 3d sidescroller video game Capcom
Playstation PSN Xbox live arcade XBLA Sour patch kids
sour gummy candy kids

Capcom's "World Gone Sour" Sour Patch Kids Game Character Concepts

World Gone Sour 2d 3d sidescroller video game Capcom
Playstation PSN Xbox live arcade XBLA Sour patch kids duck tape
sour gummy candy kids Dolly boss 9v battery dust bunny

Capcom's "World Gone Sour" Sour Patch Kids Game BGs

World Gone Sour 2d 3d sidescroller video game Capcom
Playstation PSN Xbox live arcade XBLA Sour patch kids duck tape
sour gummy candy kids Dolly boss 9v battery dust bunny coming soon
art deco theatre popcorn candy numbers

Capcom's "World Gone Sour" Sour Patch Kids Game

Hello all,
I'm excited to see that a game I worked on called "World Gone Sour" has now been released for PC and soon to be on PS3 and XBOX and is available now on Capcom's website for 4.99!

Gameplay Trailer:

"In a World Gone Sour, players take on the role of a lost Sour Patch Kid in a stylized human world, guiding their hero across some very unique environments. Use a combination of jumps, special abilities, and puzzle-solving skills to navigate the Sour Patch hero through some larger-than-life obstacles. But be careful! During this journey, players will experience some very unusual enemies- escaping from deranged humans, and facing off against mind-controlled dolls!"

Pebbles Play Online World "Bedrock Cars"

Some of you with a keen geeky eye, may notice that on bottom left
resembles a familiar caped crusaders whip ;)
 Flintstones Hanna-Barbera Productions The Flagstones dinosaurs bedrock stone age
sabre-toothed tigers woolly mammoths cavemen pre-historic mel blanc fred flintstone
wilma pebbles dino baby puss barney rubble betty bamm-bamm hoppy mr. slate
the frankenstones

Pebbles Play Online World "Flying Machine" & "Fire Dino"

The Flintstones Hanna-Barbera Productions The Flagstones dinosaurs bedrock stone age
sabre-toothed tigers woolly mammoths cavemen pre-historic mel blanc fred flintstone
wilma pebbles dino baby puss barney rubble betty bamm-bamm hoppy mr. slate
the frankenstones fire dino flying machine

MegaMan tribute


Hey, i just wanted to give a shout out to Joel Stice over at for featuring me on his top 20 list, many thanks!

Mega Man Rockman video game Capcom Nintendo Entertainment system NES
Dr. Wily side scrolling 2d mega man x snes super nintendo fire man ice man wood man

Dreamworks Puss in Boots "Beanstalk" game concept for McDonalds

Dreamworks Puss in Boots shrek antonio banderas salma hayek humpty dumpty
kitty soft paws jack and the beanstalk jack and jill golden egg

Mcdonalds Online "Wild" World Animals for "Happy Studio"

Space Music Game for McDonalds "Happy Studio"